LPA Photographers / Will Hartley / Red Neck Mud Park
Earlier this year Will Hartley travelled to Southwest Charlottes County in Southwest Florida to attend the Red Neck Mud Park.
Will has been documenting the culture of Spring Break for the last two and a half years. Visiting places like Cancun and Miami, to capture an event which is a rite of passage for many American college students. This year Will wanted to try something a little different and so set his course for the Red Neck Mud Park Spring Break.
Attracting everyone from college kids to families, the mud holes act as a central point for visitors to either park around and watch, or get right in and drive through them with their monster trucks, sometimes getting stuck and having to be hauled out.
”The first time I came here my cell phone was stolen. The second time my truck burnt to the ground. This time its good though... good luck so far”
What great images Will - we hope you didn’t get too Muddy!
@ Will Hartley. Red Neck Mud Park.
@ Will Hartley. Red Neck Mud Park.
@ Will Hartley. Red Neck Mud Park.
@ Will Hartley. Red Neck Mud Park.
@ Will Hartley. Red Neck Mud Park.
@ Will Hartley. Red Neck Mud Park.
@ Will Hartley. Red Neck Mud Park.