LPA 5 Minutes With... / Direct Digital Case Study / An Interview with Lisa Pritchard
One of the partners of our LPA Futures Competition 2019, Direct Digital, have recently interviewed Lisa with some great probing questions to coincide with the launch of the new roster. Find out how she got started as a photographers agent, how she came up with the idea of LPA Futures, her thoughts on the industry in general and what trends she’s seen over the years.
Direct Digital offered each of our 5 winners £250 worth of lighting hire as well as discounts on lighting, camera hire and backgrounds plus a training course- all part of their prize for being selected for LPA Futures 2019. The hire company is one of the leading rental companies in the business and we are immensely grateful for their continued and generous support!
Read the full interview here—— https://www.direct-digital.com/en/case-study/interview-lisa-pritchard
Lisa with the LPA Team and the 5 winners of LPA Futures 2019 at the recent launch party. From left to right- Clio, Lisa, Josh, Andrea, Andy, Frankie, Gavin, Chloe and Anna. © Raccoon London