LPA Photographers / Scott Choucino / Childhood Sweets

Food and drink photographers Scott Choucino recently captured these sweet treats to add to his portfolio.

Scott says that the aim of this project was to document both the sweets of his 90s childhood as well as the colours and feeling that went along with that period in his life using strong bold and vibrant colours. In particular the memory of going to the local off license store with his Dad on a Friday evening, 50 pence in hand to buy a selection of sweets, which Scott says is still a very vivid memory.

Shot over the course of a  week, Scott worked with food stylists Ksenija Selivanova and retoucher Drew Haywood to create this mini project. He had to sort through hundreds of sweets to select the ones that would photograph well, ones that weren’t ‘too perfect’ to give the images a more real look.

Amazing work Scott!

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