LPA Photographers / Kerry Harrison / Evri

Kerry Harrison is well and truly back at LPA and to kick start it off he had the pleasure of shooting alongside Superunion for the huge rebrand, Evri.

Your friendly parcel company, Hermes, has had a complete refresh and our very own Kerry Harrison was able to implement this through his art of storytelling and emotive imagery.

Important to embed the brand’s value’s of diversity, individuality and joy, Kerry has captured images that sit perfectly with these through carefully composed and perfectly timed moments.

Our team at LPA spent a week at multiple different locations from Milton Keynes to Essex and back to the depths of South East London to capture this series. LPA Style’s Charlie Cave and Erica Schlegel were are the forefront of set dressing and giving those finishing touches to our wonderful cast.

It was an energetic first project back for Kerry, keep your eyes peeled for more to come!