Christmas Ask an Agent
Ask an Agent is a regular monthly column that answers all your dilemmas about the business of photography – photography's first agony aunt. If you have anything you’d like to ask, just drop a line to and we'll post the answers on the blog.
Dear Ask an Agent, I have noticed quite a few imposters around pretending to be me this time of year. Where do these people come from and what do they do the rest of the year when they are not impersonating the real Santa? Maybe it will give me a few ideas!
S. Claus, Lapland.
(Warning - kids don't read this!)
Well, thanks for getting in touch with Ask an Agent Santa, despite your busy current schedule! The people you are referring to are from acting and extras agencies such as Broadcasting, BMA, Casting Collective, Real London Casting, Sandra Reynolds, Elliot Brown and MOT. This particular chap opened Chelsea FC Grotto, appeared in Eastenders and starred in this Kensington Wholefoods Market campaign or was that you? The rest of the year his roles are diverse, he has played John Prescott, a priest and has featured in the movie Hellraiser! I'm sure if you get in touch with some of the agencies, they'll be happy to advise you further on your modelling prospects!
Merry Christmas everyone, Ask an Agent will return in the New Year!
© Nigel Genis from BMA models