Culture Corner / What's On / May
We're gradually edging closer towards summer and we've handpicked some of our favourite things going on in London this month to keep you happy. LPA Futures Exhibition / The Great Eastern Bear Lisa: 'This month I have to pick our very own LPA Futures exhibition! Opening to the public on 16th May, the final five will be announced to the public the night before at a very special event. We all love the work of our finalists and we're looking forward to getting out there with the portfolios. Stay tuned for the series of events we're planning too!. The LPA Futures exhibition will run until June 9th
Deutsche Börse Photography Prize / The Photographers' Gallery Dani: 'This month sees the return of the Photographers Gallery Deutsche Borse Photography Prize 2013. With the four artists; Mishka Henner, Chris Killip, Cristina De Middel and the artist duo Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin being shortlisted for the prize. Their works will be exhibited until the 30th June, however we will have to wait until the 10th June for the winner to be announced'. The Deutsche Börse Photography Prize is on display until June 30th.
© Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin
Aircraft, at right, is seen as it is about to fly into the World Trade Center in New York on Tuesday. The aircraft was the second to fly into the tower Tuesday morning, 2011 ttack.html
Work on paper, 24cm x 29cm
2013 Sony World Photography Awards / Somerset House Lauren: 'It's the season for photography competitions in London, including the Sony World Photography Awards. Showcasing the best contemporary photography from across the globe, this great annual event is a firm favourite in the LPA offices. From commercial photography to fine art, the breadth of work on display is fabulous and a great way to see up-and-coming talent in the Youth Awards'. The Sony World Photography Awards will be on display till May 12th.
Souzou: Outsider Art from Japan / Wellcome Collection Tom: 'A hidden gem on the London art circuit, Souzou (a word which loosely means creation and imagination in Japanese) is a real mix of mediums, from sculpture and textiles to drawing and painting. The erotic pen drawings by Marie Suzuki were truly great and the whole exhibition questioned the way we look at 'outsider' art. The videos at the end of the exhibition of the artists creating the work finished off the exhibition nicely.' Souzou: Outsider Art from Japan will be on display till June 30th.
© Satoshi Nishikawa
Apple of Rabbits, 1991, clay, natural glaze; Shiga Prefecture