Lisa's New book / Running a Successful Photography Business / Keeping Clients

To coincide with the launch of Lisa’s new book ‘Running a Successful Photography Business’, we are posting a regular little snippet from some of the chapters over the next few weeks. This week, an extract from Chapter 11: Keeping Clients.

“I did a quick survey here at my agency. Repeat business or referrals make up 75 per cent of the shoots we deal with. It’s mostly a case of the clients wanting to work with a photographer they have worked with in the past, wanting to work with the agency again (or both), or a referral by someone who has worked with the photographer or us in the past. The other 25 per cent are new clients due to a marketing prompt, whether a standalone or part of an accumulative strategy.’’ writes Lisa.

One of the contributors of the book, Marianne Taylor, certainly agrees and adds that customer service and therefore word of mouth is the best form of marketing. Marianne is a product photographer and stylist and also shoots a number of handpicked weddings a year.

‘’Customer service and word of mouth is by far my most effective form of self promotion. Serving your clients well is the best marketing you could do, and always leads to exceptional word of mouth. All the other means of promotion only support this core of my business strategy.’’


© Marianne Taylor.

You can discover lots of other great tips on keeping clients in the rest of the chapter. Head to Amazon, Bloomsbury, WHSmith, or Waterstones to get your copy of the book now!