LPA Futures 2017 / Winners Announced!

We are delighted and excited to announce the winners of LPA Futures 2017/19 who we will be representing for the next two years!  This year we not only had an unprecedented amount of entries, but also the standard was exceptionally high with some amazing photographers entering from all over the country. It was a tough job for our judges to narrow down more than 120 entries to just 5. However, after much deliberation we now have our next roster of LPA Futures, which we unveiled last night at our launch party.

As well as winning an agent, the winners also receive a huge array of fantastic prizes from our sponsors which will come in handy at this stage in their careers, or any stage for that matter!

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that entered this year and also of course to our amazing judges and generous sponsors without whom none of this would be possible.

Without any further ado here are the winners of LPA Futures 2017/19;

Imogen Forte, who through her stunning, atmospheric and voyeuristic style captures beautiful moments in everyday life.

Processed with VSCO with a5 preset

© Imogen Forte

Will Hartley, who's distinctive gritty urban style derives from a childhood love of skateboarding.


© Will Hartley

Steven Joyce, who has combined the two things he loves, food and photography to create his mouthwatering portfolio.


© Steven Joyce

Katrina Lawson-Johnston, Katrina has an breathtaking eye for detail and a clean and polished, yet sumptuous style.


© Katrina Lawson-Johnston

River Thompson, who's passion for photography sits closely alongside his passion for exploring.


@ River Thompson

Congratulations to all our amazing winners, and thank you to everyone who came to our launch party last night, it was so much fun.

We will be posting images from the party early next week showing the whole night and the winners collecting their prizes, so watch this space!